I know its been a while since my last post but I have been just so busy with everything that its hard to grab a minute to log in and have the time to write a post! Anyways, I just got back into Chico from the first part of my Wilderness Training at Camp Tawonga, and wow, what a great time that was. I met the rest of the Wild Staff and all I can say is that it's going to be an AWESOME summer! We went on an amazing 3 day backpacking trip that included lots of team building skills and just over all fun. My highlight (and most intense part) of the entire trip had to of been when a rattle snake tried to bite me but just bit my boot. Lets just say it freaked me out a HUGE deal and am still a little shaky about stepping over fallen logs and stuff, but still fine. Tawonga is a special place however, everyone is just so welcoming and accepting, and naked. Yes, naked. The staff has a wonderful tradition of going down to the river and skinny dipping during time off (not in front of the kids of course). Lets just say the returning staff introduced this concept to the new staff very abruptly. Back to the job, I will be running the ropes course at camp for its entirety and helping kids face their fears and working together and building group relationships.
But this job is just the first part of my long adventure!!! I will be working at Tawonga until August 7th. The following 2 days will consist of a (possible) farewell party/packing, then I fly to the wonderful country of Ghana on August 9th. Talk about a 10 second turn around. But more about Ghana when it approaches. Now the focus is Tawonga.
In other news, there is a new lady in my life (yes, I realize its crappy timing, but listen to the story about us before you pass judgment). We met last August while hiking in the Himalayas and studying with Tibetan Monks. We formed a great friendship at first. After treking through the Australian Outback for a couple of months followed by a cross Canada touring bike trip, we broke down the mixed signals and got together finally. We are staying together during my travels and am looking forward to sharing my adventurous stories upon my return to the States. Her name is Adrianne and she is a little bad-ass (little is the key word). She is a HUGE (no pun intended) climber and backpacker, which sold me alone. Anyways she is an amazing person who is making me very happy.

Me and Adrianne out on a trip
Anyways, that's all from here at the moment. Next post will be from Tawonga when I have some time off to give you all an update. For now, peace and love!
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